
An avatar is a graphical representation of a user or the user's character or persona.

We have illustrated 5 different sizes of Avatars. `avatar-xs-small` represent smallest avatar, whereas `avatar-xl-xlarge` represents largest one. `avatar-l-large` , `avatar-s-small` and `avatar-r-regular` are in between above two.

brown-girl-child brown-girl-child brown-girl-child brown-girl-child brown-girl-child

Copy below code to create your own avatar.

Profile Avatar may show some Alphabet when profile pic is not available. It generally represents intial letter of account holder's name.


Copy below code to to get your own alphabet avatar.


Alert box displays to an User a dialog box with optional message.

This Operation is successful.
This Operation is failure.
This Operation is too risky.
This Operation is primary one.
This Operation is secondary one.

copy and paste below code to get your own alert box


Badge is a counter or some kind of status indicator shown on avatars, icons and much more.

Badge on Avatar


copy and paste below code to get badge on Avatar

Badge on icon


copy and paste below code to get badge on icon


Button is a clickable component on the Ui which is often used to perform some operations when pressed.

CTA- Call to Action Button

copy and paste below code to get your own CTA button.

A Basic Button

copy and paste below code to get your own basic button.

Link Button

copy and paste below code to get your Link button.

Social Media Button

copy and paste below code to get your own social media button.

Icons as Button

copy and paste below code to get your own basic button.

Floating Action Button

Floating Action button is generally a circular button present on top of screen which is used to perfom primary or most common operations. Here It is left aligned. When clicked Page will scroll to top.

copy and paste below code to get your own basic button.


Cards is small Rectangular component of web-page. It comprises of images, links, text, button etc.

Cards with Badges

Few left in stock


OG of all watch is here. Talk about luxury or fashion quotient, It always tops the chart.

$1800 $2000 (20% off)

Copy and paste below code to get text with basic badge

Cards with Dismiss



OG of all watch is here. Talk about luxury or fashion quotient, It always tops the chart.

$1800 $2000 (20% off)

Copy and paste below code to get text with dismiss button

Cards with text overlay

wll come soon


OG of all watch is here. Talk about luxury or fashion quotient, It always tops the chart.

$1800 $2000 (20% off)


Copy and paste below code to get text overlay card

Text only card


OG of all watch is here. Talk about luxury or fashion quotient, It always tops the chart.

$1800 $2000 (20% off)

Copy and paste below code to get text only card

Horizontal Card


OG of all watch is here. Talk about luxury or fashion quotient, It always tops the chart.

$1800 $2000 (20% off)

Copy and paste below code to get horizontal card

Card with shadow


OG of all watch is here. Talk about luxury or fashion quotient, It always tops the chart.

$1800 $2000 (20% off)

Copy and paste below code to get card with shadow


Image is an artifact that depicts visual perception and resembles a phusical object and thus also provides its depiction. Eg. Photograph

Responsive Image

Responsive Images are images which fits all devices perfectly. Be it mobile-devices or desktop.


Copy and paste below code to get responsive image.

Rounded Image

Image having round shape.


Copy and paste below code to get rounded image.


Input element is used to interact with users in order to get data from them.

Input text

Input text is used to take input from users in form of text.

Copy and paste below code to get input textbox

Input with validation and errors style

Input text also provides error or success depending on whether user met required condition

Copy and paste below code to get input with validation and errors style


Text utillities are different form of texts used in a web-app which provides multiple sizes and styles.


Heading is used at top of web-site to give Brand's name or websites.


Copy and paste below code to give good Headings.

small Text

Small text is used to give not so important information. It may also used to give additional infos.

This is extra Information.

Copy and paste below code to give small size text.

gray Text

Gray text is used to give gray colors to text present in website.

This is Gray-colored text.

Copy and paste below code to give gray color text.

center Text

Center text is used to position text present in layout to center of layout.

This is centered text.

Copy and paste below code to give centered text.


List is used to arrange items in different sequences.

unordered list

unordered list are the sequence of items which has no particular order. It is preceded by bullet.

    List of Items
  • Item1
  • Item2
  • Item3
  • Item4
  • Item5

Copy and paste below code to get unordered list.

Numbered list

Numbered list are the sequence of items in increasing order. It is preceded by numerals.

    List of Items
  1. Item1
  2. Item2
  3. Item3
  4. Item4
  5. Item5

Copy and paste below code to get numbered list.

Alphabetical list

Alphabetical list are the sequence of items in increasing order. It is preceded by alphabets.

    List of Items
  1. Item1
  2. Item2
  3. Item3
  4. Item4
  5. Item5

Copy and paste below code to get alphabetical list.

spaced list

Spaced list are used to display collective piece of item in form of list separated from each other.

  • Accounts

    Privacy, security,change number

  • Chats

    Theme,wallpapers, chat history

  • Notifications

    Message,group & call tones

  • Storage and data

    Network usage,auto-download

  • Help

    Help centre,contact us,privacy policy

Copy and paste below code to get spaced list items.

stacked list

Stacked list are used to display collective piece of item in form of list layered one onto other.

  • Accounts

    Privacy, security,change number

  • Chats

    Theme,wallpapers, chat history

  • Notifications

    Message,group & call tones

  • Storage and data

    Network usage,auto-download

  • Help

    Help centre,contact us,privacy policy

Copy and paste below code to get stacked list items.